Tin Kau,meaning “Heaven” and “Nine” in Cantonese respectively, is a trick-taking game for four players. Each player starts with eight tiles, and the goal of the game is to win points by taking tricks, much like western card games such as Bridge, a western card game.
Same as the western domino, each tile is basically formed by the faces of two dice.Each set of Tin Kau is comprised of thirty two tiles and is divided into two suits, the Civilian suit and the Military suit.
The two suits cannot beat each other. That means Civilian suit can only be beaten by Civilian suit, while Military suit can only be beaten by military suits, and combinations can only be beaten by combinations.
Equipment 所需物品
Two dice and a set of thirty-two Chinese dominoes

Two Suits of the Tiles 兩種牌款
The tiles in a set of Chinese dominoes are divided into two suits, the Civilian suit and the Military suit, and each suit cannot beat each other:
• The Civilian tiles can only beat the Civilian tiles
• The Military tiles can only beat the Military tiles
• Combinations comprised of both suits can only be beaten by the same kind
of combination

Before The Game 準備功夫
1. Choose A Banker 選莊
Throw the dice to decide the banker for the first round. Whoever gets the biggest number will be the first banker.
2. Shuffling Tiles 洗牌
All tiles are placed face down on the table. By convention all players are supposed to shuffle the tiles together by moving the pieces around the table with both hands. Players should flip the tiles down if they get flipped up during this process, in order to prevent players from identifying the locations of the revealed tiles.
3. Stacking Tiles 疊牌
Players should help to arrange the 32 tiles in a 4-level stack. Each level is supposed to consist of 8 tiles.
4. Drawing Tiles 牌頭
Before rolling the dice again, the banker decides a way to distribute eight tiles to each player randomly. After adding up the numbers of the 2 dice, the banker should start counting the players anti-clockwise in order to see who will be the first one to draw the tiles.
牌頭為開牌的方式,莊家每次擲骰前可自選,甚至自創取牌方法,只要能確保各玩家可隨機及平均地取得8隻牌即可。擲骰後,由擲骰者以逆時針方向開始數起,依擲骰總 點數來決定由哪一位玩家開始取牌,而其他玩家則以逆時 針方向輪流取牌。

Let’s Start 開始入局
The banker leads the first trick of the hand. At least one tile or up to four tiles can be played in a trick.
每局由莊家先出牌,可選擇打出最少單支1隻或最多4隻 組合的牌款。
The other players can win the trick by playing the same amount of tiles with a higher ranking counterclockwise. Also, only tiles of the same suit or in the same kind of combination can be played. Tiles should be put face up on top of the played tiles.
閒家需逆時針輪流出牌,並需以同樣數量及同類型的牌款 鬥大跟出。打出較大的骨牌時,需戙高蓋在其他牌之上。
If a player has nothing to beat the set of tiles on the top or chooses not to beat it, they must forfeit the trick by discarding the same amount of tiles face-down. In that case, players could discard any tiles. The tiles donʼt need to come from the same suit or be in the same kind of combination.
假如玩家沒有更大的牌能打出,或是策略性選擇放棄該回合爭勝機會,則需墊牌棄權。注意墊牌時需把牌面向下推出,不能讓其他玩家看到。墊牌沒有任何限制,玩家可選 擇放棄任何牌款,只要墊夠同樣數量的牌就可以,無需跟隨該回合打出的牌款及組合棄牌。
In the case of a tie, that is, two players have the same tiles on hand, only the one who plays first will be counted. The other player must play larger tiles, or discard tiles to forfeit the trick.
【For example】If 1 Civilian tile has been played, the rest of the players also have to play 1 Civilian tile or discard 1 tile of any suits. If 2 Military tiles have been played, then the others should play a pair of Military tiles too or discard any 2 tiles, etc.
After all the four players have played tiles, this constitutes 1 trick. The one who has played the highest set collects the tricks for score-counting, and will be the first one to play in the subsequent round. The collected tricks need to be stacked in columns of 4 tiles high, as columns are the unit of scoring. Also, The winner of each trick leads the following round, until all 8 tiles have been finished.
【例子】每回合打牌的數量及款式必須一致,如先出牌的玩家打出1隻文子牌,其餘玩家亦需跟打1隻文子或隨便墊1 隻骨牌;如打出的為1對武子,其餘玩家亦需打出2隻武 子或墊走2隻骨牌,如此類推。
各玩家輪流出牌後,最大的一家即勝出該回合,並取得該 回合全部打出的牌作計分之用,更獲得下一輪的出牌權,直到各玩家把8隻牌全部打出為止。每回合贏得的牌需疊高成4層,稱之為「戙」,每4隻為「1戙」,計分單位亦 以戙來計算。
【For example】Winning a triplet would generate 12 tiles, which the winner of the trick stacks in 3 columns in front of themselves.
【例子】如某玩家贏得「3戙」,意思就是獲得12隻牌,每 4隻疊成一戙,安放在玩家面前以作結算。